Why do real wholesale distributors and drop-shippers require you to have a tax ID?
- Real wholesale distributors sell B2B (Business to Business) and all businesses must have either a tax ID or a local business license / re-sale certificate.
- Real wholesale distributors and drop-shippers don’t sell retail AND wholesale. There are many so called drop shippers on the web that actually sell retail and also offer a discounted price to those who want to try and compete with them in retail. This puts your company at a dis-advantage! Don’t waste your time buying from your competition. With our service, your company will buy at wholesale or below wholesale in certain situations. (Monthly specials are often emailed to you from our wholesale suppliers that are actually below wholesale cost)
- Be sure to check the reviews of any wholesale club, wholesale directory, drop ship service etc. before you fall for their “free trial” If they don’t require a tax ID from you and they offer a “free trial” what is happening is they want you to order the products from them through their wholesale account. These companies will mark up the products above wholesale and put your business at a dis-advantage because you won’t be able to compete with businesses that actually buy wholesale from the real distributor(s). Need proof? Go to google and search “dropship” then look through each company that pops up and search for their reviews & complaints. You will be shocked as we were when we uncovered that these so called “top” drop shippers and directories are garbage.
- Save yourself from these bogus companies by connecting with real wholesale distributors and drop shippers that require a tax ID, provide wholesale pricing, deliver quality products and service. Our data-base is full of real wholesalers that will give your business a real fighting chance to succeed. Over 690 huge wholesale sources offering tens of thousands of general consumer products.
- Call (760) 994-0710 with questions or to sign up.
- We support AMERICAN wholesale distributors & manufacturers! Read more here.